Rafe is out to use Jolie any way he can and in this book, Rafe doesn’t come off as a nice guy. He comes off as a dark, dominant and slightly off Alpha Male in this book. There is something so possessive about him when it comes to Jolie yet there is this thread of violence underneath him when he is asking about Rachel. He is determined to find her and cause her some horrible grief due to what she did to him or someone close to him. Im thinking Rachel set Jolie up to be a fall “girl”. As for Jolie, my heart broke for her in this book. She was beaten by Bronson, she was drugged multiple times, she didn’t know what happened to her while she was asleep and no one would tell her why she was being held against her will.
The was a cliffhanger ending and I am dying to know who Rafe had in the other room and what he was going to do to Jolie..ARGH, cant wait a week to find out. Need to know now !! This story line has me hooked. I sure hope this Rachel gets what is coming to her and soon.
My rating: 4.5 stars ****
***A gifted copy was provided by the author for my honest review****
***A gifted copy was provided by the author for my honest review****
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